Here are three that are ready now. I didn't block them in a traditional way, other than to put them in a photo album with a heavy book on top to flatten them somewhat. I think they'd look a little better with more attention to blocking, but will maybe do that later. All are made with Lizbeth, No. 20.
Lazuardi. Color 684, Leaf Green Medium. Finished 7/31/13.
#22 in 25 Motif Challenge
This next one is not a favorite, but it's done, so here it is. Sahmura, also in color 684, Leaf Green Medium. Finished 7/24/13. #23 in challenge.
And Kencana, in color 688, Seagreen dark. Finished 8/2/13. #24 in challenge.
Delima is finished except for securing the ends (after several fruitless attempts last night after midnight to thread the needle, I gave up and went to bed!), and I intend to start Firus for the SECOND time again today or tomorrow. I started this one before, and there's a tricksy spot where two chains go behind a little motif, and I didn't like the way it looked. Kept the mistake I did with a note so I know what NOT to do when I remake it.
Speaking of notes, I am a copious note-taker when it comes to my crafts. Some of my friends would screech in horror if they saw my books because I write all over them when I'm making something: what yarn/thread I used, needle size (I mostly knit), and anything I did to modify a pattern. I even write whether I liked it or not and why, in case I want to make it again later. My copy of Tatted Gems definitely shows it's use, and I love it even more for that because it's mine. My feeling about writing in books is that they are my books, I don't intend to get rid of them because I love them, so if I want to write in them, I will. Maybe some day, if I'm lucky, someone who cares about me will inherit my books and it will make them smile to see my little notes.